Kering Tempeh - Fried Tempeh with Sweet and Spicy Glace

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Author: Anita Jacobson




Prep Time: 30 mins

Cook Time: 30 mins

Total Time: 1 hour

Serves: 8



  1. Prepare enough oil for deep frying. Once the oil is hot enough, deep fry the tempeh until golden brown and crispy. Set aside and drain to remove excess oil.
  2. Heat oil in a wok, sauté spice paste, chilies, bay leaves, lime leaves, and coriander powder until fragrant.
  3. Add palm sugar, salt, and tamarind liquid. Cook until boiling and bubble vigorously. Once the sauce is really thick and reduced, return the fried tempeh into the wok and toss until the tempeh pieces are fully coated with the sauce. Turn off heat and serve immediately or at room temperature.


  • (*) For a non-vegetarian version, do a 400 gram tempeh and 100 gram anchovies (Indonesian: ikan teri) instead of all 500 gram tempeh.

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