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Main Dish Recipes

Steamed Fish with Shiitake

Steamed Fish with Shiitake

My Mom makes the best steamed fish and I finally got her recipe, yay! And she gave me the fish to boot, isn’t she the best? ♥ Mom actually gave me twice the …

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Ayam Masak Rempah dan Santan - Chicken Braised in Spices and Coconut Milk

Ayam Masak Rempah dan Santan - Chicken Braised in Spices and Coconut Milk

We have many many dishes cooked in coconut milk along with a really long list of spices. It is no wonder people tend to say our food is spicy, but that is …

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Chicken with Lemongrass Broth

Chicken with Lemongrass Broth

I think lemongrass is one of the cheaper herb in Indonesia, Rp 3000 (US$ 0.30) will probably net you 10-15 stalks (can be more if you are expert in haggling, I …

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Sambal Udang Petai - Shrimp and Stink Bean in Chili Sauce

Sambal Udang Petai - Shrimp and Stink Bean in Chili Sauce

Petai (or stink bean) is one of the weirdest and stinkiest bean around, not for the faint hearted for sure. Be sure to brush your teeth afterwards if you still …

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Pork Belly and Snake Bean in Black Bean Sauce

Pork Belly and Snake Bean in Black Bean Sauce

There are probably many many Chinese dishes that one can prepare with a bottle of black bean garlic sauce, and I think cooking pork with said sauce is one of …

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Steamed Prawn with Chili and Garlic

Steamed Prawn with Chili and Garlic

Definitely one of the easiest and fastest prawn recipe, not to mention they look lovely and fit for a banquet. If you don’t own a microwave, you can make the …

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Aromatic Steamed Chicken Wings

Aromatic Steamed Chicken Wings

The use of so many aromatic herbs gives this dish a very inviting aroma, sure to whet the appetite. And the colorful green, red, yellow, and white is quite a …

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Ayam Goreng Kiam Boi - Fried Chicken with Fruit Seasoning

Ayam Goreng Kiam Boi - Fried Chicken with Fruit Seasoning

There are a couple of Chinese restaurants near my parents home serving ayam goreng kiam boi. I find them delicious and it seems to be pretty popular with their …

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Kari Ayam

Kari Ayam

Kari ayam is the Indonesian take on chicken curry. Unlike Indian curries, we use coconut milk instead of yoghurt, and a lot less spices as well, and with the …

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Ayam Pop Padang - Padang Fried Chicken

Ayam Pop Padang - Padang Fried Chicken

I love Padang cuisine. Among the cuisines from so many regions in Indonesia, Padang cuisine is probably the most widely available no matter where you are in …

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Dang Gui and Shiitake Chicken

Dang Gui and Shiitake Chicken

Another hand me down recipe from my Mom, which I absolutely love. My Mom likes to serve this as part of her must have dishes in our family Chinese New Year …

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Three Cup Chicken - San Bei Ji

Three Cup Chicken - San Bei Ji

Three cup chicken, or San Bei Ji in Chinese, is a very popular dish. Legend says that the original chef use one cup each of sesame oil, Chinese wine, and soy …

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