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This unique and delicious cake has a chewy texture, a dark brown color that comes from caramelizes sugar, and the appearance of a honeycomb/ants nest.
Fresh shredded coconut cooked with spice paste, palm sugar, and tamarind created this popular Javanese side dish called serundeng. We treat serundeng very …
I once posted a recipe for bingka ubi jalar, this recipe is quite similar but using only eggs, hence we call it bingka telur. Just like bingka ubi jalar, baking …
Instead of steamed, this klapertart from the city of Bandung is baked in an oven. A delicious twist on the classic klapertart for those without a steamer.
Nasi liwet is rice cooked in coconut milk, chicken stock, lemongrass, and Indonesian bay leaves (daun salam), giving the rice a very rich and aromatic taste.
Sarikayo is a Minang (Padang) dessert made from steaming a mixture of primarily egg, coconut milk, and palm sugar. This custard can be served as is, though some …
Kue ruwok comes from Padang, and it is basically a layer of custard topped with a layer of merengue. There are various common toppings, but raisin is one of …
Citrusy and fresh agar-agar dessert using lemongrass. Delicious as is, or when paired with ginger and palm sugar syrup. Vegan friendly and gluten-free.
Indonesia has inherited quite a handful of dishes from the Dutch colonial days, and galantine is one of them. Our version of galantine is most likely going to …
Ikan bakar (grilled fish) is one of my favorite food. In Indonesia, there are many restaurants specializing in seafood dishes, and the first thing I will order …
Fun Indonesian layered agar-agar dessert with coconut milk, coconut palm sugar, and the fragrance of pandan leaves. Vegan friendly and gluten-free.
Semur bihun is a recipe that is easily adaptable to suit whatever you have in your pantry. What I present is the bare minimum. You can always add more meat or …