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Vegetables Recipes

Pecel - Madiun Vegetables in Peanut Sauce

Pecel - Madiun Vegetables in Peanut Sauce

Gado-gado and pecel are two of the most popular vegetables in peanut sauce nationwide. Gado-gado is almost always eaten as is, but pecel is sometimes eaten as …

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Iridori - Chicken and Vegetables in Soy and Dashi Broth

Iridori - Chicken and Vegetables in Soy and Dashi Broth

Iridori is one of the many traditional Japanese osechi dishes, meaning it is more common to see this for the new year celebration :) Not exactly the right time …

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Nasi Uduk Bayam - Fragrant Coconut Rice with Spinach

Nasi Uduk Bayam - Fragrant Coconut Rice with Spinach

This is something of a twist from my basic nasi uduk recipe, by adding some spinach and turn it into something exquisitely different, yet still delicious, and …

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O-Hitashi - Spinach Tower with Sesame Seeds

O-Hitashi - Spinach Tower with Sesame Seeds

Healthy and delicious is not complicated. Create beautiful Japanese spinach tower with three ingredients: spinach, soy sauce, and toasted sesame seeds.

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Nametake - Enoki in Mirin and Soy Sauce

Nametake - Enoki in Mirin and Soy Sauce

This is a really really really simple way to cook enoki mushroom, or you can also use nameko or shimeji :) First, cut to remove the moldy end of the mushroom, …

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Soto Bandung - Bandung Beef and Daikon Soup

Soto Bandung - Bandung Beef and Daikon Soup

Among the many soto, I would rank soto Bandung as one of the simplest to make. And probably the easiest to reproduce too if you live outside Indonesia since …

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Sambal Rebus - Boiled Chili Sauce

Sambal Rebus - Boiled Chili Sauce

Whenever you make Indonesian soto (soups) at home, you must make sambal rebus to enjoy with your soto. Soto doesn't feel complete without this sambal.

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Sop Sapi dan Kacang Merah - Beef and Red Bean Soup

Sop Sapi dan Kacang Merah - Beef and Red Bean Soup

I have no idea why I didn’t post this soup earlier since sop sapi dan kacang merah is definitely one of my favorite beef soup. I first tried this soup in my in …

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Sop Ayam - Indonesian Chicken Soup

Sop Ayam - Indonesian Chicken Soup

Despite being called chicken soup, this soup is full of vegetables as well, so definitely a good soup to have when trying to recuperate from flu, or just about …

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Sambal Goreng Kentang, Ati, dan Petai - Potato, Chicken Liver, and Stink Bean in Chili Sauce

Sambal Goreng Kentang, Ati, dan Petai - Potato, Chicken Liver, and Stink Bean in Chili Sauce

Me and my hubby are big fans of anything with “sambal goreng” in it. So despite this dish being not exactly good for our flu, which we are both still recovering …

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Ginger and Kaempferia Galanga Dipping Sauce

Ginger and Kaempferia Galanga Dipping Sauce

I grew up in a Cantonese family, so naturally white cut chicken (白切雞) is a familiar sight. After my grandparents passed away, somehow we have it less often, not …

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Kabocha Tang Yuan and Sago in Pandan Coconut Milk

Kabocha Tang Yuan and Sago in Pandan Coconut Milk

Mixing tang yuan and kabocha puree (or pumpkin puree) results in a bright orange color glutinous rice balls that are sure to be a hit :) You can also do a light …

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