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Mochi Kacang - Steamed Mochi with Honey Roasted Peanut
Plenty of mochi can be found in Jakarta, from Taiwanese to Japanese. But they are all what I would consider as fancy mochi, filled with various kind of lovely fillings, such as the traditional peanuts and sugar, black sesame, mung beans, and red beans to name a few. They are usually elaborately shape and come in nice packaging, and pretty expensive to boot. I love the stuff, but I miss the mochi that I grow up with, the kind that is steamed and then roughly cut into small pieces and coat with chopped peanut and sugar, or the simplest of all would be the one coated with just icing sugar. And since I have no idea where to find one nowadays, I just make them myself when I fancy some. Oh, and notice that I am not frying my own peanut and then process them with sugar as how it would be done traditionally? My crazy short cut is to just buy a packet of honey roasted peanut and use that instead, easy! ♥

Mochi Kacang - Steamed Mochi with Honey Roasted Peanut
- Mochi
- 125 gram glutinous rice flour (Indonesian: tepung ketan)
- 1 1/2 tablespoon sugar
- 3/4 cup water
- Peanut coating
- 1 packet (80 gram) honey roasted peanut
- Prepare a steamer.
- Oil a steamed proof bowl and set aside. The oil is there to make the mochi easier to remove from the bowl.
- In a mixing bowl, mix together glutinous rice, sugar, and water into a smooth batter. Pour the batter into the oiled bowl.
- Steam the mochi for 40 minutes.
- Meanwhile, grind the peanut in a food processor and transfer to a shallow bowl/plate.
- Once the mochi has finished steaming, remove from steamer. With a small oiled spoon, scoop out bite sizes of mochi and drop in the peanut to coat the mochi. Transfer the coated mochi to a serving plate and serve immediately while still warm.
Hai Mba Anita..mau dong nycicip mochinya Mba..aku malah belum pernah bikin..:) BTW..blognya bagus Mba..:)
Wah, Mba Diah datang berkunjung, thank you loh. ♥ Mochinya ga repot kok bikinnya, dicoba aja ya :)
Hi Anita I just tried this! It was yummy! The sweetness and texture is just right! I used the prepared ground peanut. Now I don't have to hunt for peanut mochi anymore! Thanks for posting so many recipes! It seems like all the recipes I've been looking for are found on your site!
Yup, the most tedious part of this mochi is actually making the peanut, so any shortcut is a big help as long as it still tastes wonderful.♥
nice post, i'm with my friend diah, very like this food
Mochinya unik harus dicoba nihhh.... Makasih resepnya mbak... Salam kenal ya...:)
Salam kenal juga mba Ayu :) Blog mba Ayu keren sekali, izin coba yah.
Huhuhu jadi malu.... Mbak anita donk... Itu futu futunya blink blink bangeeets... !
Gantian aku yang malu nih ;) Masih perlu banyak belajar.
Hello! I grew up eating this, it's really hard to find where I live now. I'm very excited to try the recipe but feel a bit confused about the bowl step. Are you creating a double boiler, so putting a steam proof bowl over the steamer? Thanks!
Sorry for the confution Katie, I simply put a steam proof bowl (that has been oiled first) over the steamer.
Mochinya unik buangett mbak.. harus dicoba nihhh…. Makasih lhooo resepnya mbak… Salam kenal ya…:)
Can I use mochiko instead of glutinous rice flour?
Hi Irene, I haven't tried with mochiko. My guess is it should work, but I can't guarantee.
terimakasih resepnya, wajib dicoba dirumah nih
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