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Nasi Kuning
Finally I got the time to make a proper and complete nasi kuning. It is quite a production to prepare this dish, since nasi kuning (or yellow rice) is traditionally served with the requisite perkedel kentang, ayam ungkep, telur dadar gulung, kerupuk udang (shrimp crackers), quick lalap, and sambal.
So, everything has to be timed just so, thus bits of juggling is required, that way, if you start cooking at 8 o’clock in the morning, hopefully sometimes around 11 o’clock everything will be done and ready and looking super yummy :)

Making a complete nasi kuning meal
This post is just for the recipe of nasi kuning, if you want to prepare the complete works, please see my previous posts for:
- perkedel kentang (potato fritters)
- ayam ungkep (Javanese fried chicken)
- telur dadar gulung (thin rolled omelet)
- lalap sambal terasi (vegetables with shrimp paste chili relish)
Serving suggestion
To serve, shape rice with the aid of a small soup bowl (or rice bowl if you have one) and slightly press it down so the shape will hold, then place a plate on top of the bowl and flip it so the rice sits right in the middle of the plate.
Place one piece of ayam ungkep, a couple of perkedel kentang, 2 tablespoon of telur dadar gulung, some kerupuk udang (shrimp crackers), some slices of cucumber, tomato, and lettuce around the rice. Serve with some chili sauce (sambal).
Nasi Kuning
- 2 cup rice (use the rice cup that come with the rice cooker)
- 2 teaspoon turmeric powder (Indonesian: bubuk kunyit)
- 1 lemongrass (Indonesian: sereh), bruised and chopped
- 1 Indonesian bay leaf (Indonesian: daun salam)
- 1 kaffir lime leaf (Indonesian: daun jeruk)
- ½ teaspoon salt
- ½ teaspoon sugar
- 100 ml coconut milk
- 3 cup water (again use the rice cup that come with the rice cooker)
- Place all ingredients in the rice cooker and turn on the power. Press the "cook" or "white rice" button.
- When the machine indicates that the rice is ready (usually a "warm" light will turn on), open the lid, fluff the rice, remove lemongrass, bay leaf, and kaffir lime leaf.
- Close the lid again and let the rice rest for another 10 minutes before serving.
Hello Anita Nice recipe of nasi kuning. But did you forget to add the kunir? CU Raymond
Hi Raymond, thank you so much for the correction :) Yes, I forgot to add the kunir/kunyit, which is a pretty big omission since the rice will not turn yellow otherwise. The recipe has been duly updated. Again, a really big thanks ♥
Hi Anita, When you mention coconut milk in your recipes, are you using instant coconut milk (thick) or fresh one? Btw thank you so much for all the recipes.. I really like it. Keep writing :d
Hi Venny, I use fresh coconut milk as much as I can. When I use the instant (thick) version, I usually have to dilute it with water since it is too thick compared to the fresh one.
Anita! I used to live in Indonesia and I miss it so much, especially all the delicious food. I found your blog on Sunday because I was craving Nasi Kunning a lot. I AM SO HAPPY I FOUND IT! I made the Nasi Kunning and Ayam Ungkep tonight for dinner and it was absolutely FANTASTIC! The recipes were so easy to follow and it turned out exactly like I remembered it. Can't thank you enough! I'll be referring all my other Indo expat friends to check it out. Keep blogging! :)
Hi Josh, thank you for your kind words. I am so glad the dishes turned out just as you remembered. :) And thank you for spreading the words about my blog. ♥
Hi Anita, thanks for posting this recipe. May I know the reason for using the cup that comes with the rice cooker instead of standard 1 cup measurement? I am not sure if I still have that rice cooker cup 😡😡. Is it gonna be a big problem without it? Thank you
Hi Marthiany, it is okay if you no longer have a rice cooker cup. The conversion is 1 rice cooker cup = 3/4 regular size cup. The only reason why I use the rice cooker cup is I usually do my measurements with that when cooking rice :)
Thanks Anita! Can't wait to eat nasi kuning with perkedel! :)
Kalau gak pakai daun jeruk rasanya masi enak gak? Aku tidak punya daun jeruk hanya bay leaf aja..
Harusnya oke Tri, mungkin kurang wangi saja. Kalau misalkan ada jeruk nipis segar, bisa pake lime zest dari satu jeruk nipis segar. Kalau ga ada, diskip saja yah.
Terima kasih resepnya kak anita, nanti saya coba ah kebetulan lagi nyari resep-resep buat belajar
Sama-sama Vicky, semoga sudah bermanfaat resepnya yah. :)
Hi Anita, I'm excited to try the recipe but can you help me with the proportion required for thick version of coconut milk? What should be dilution ratio? Thanks heaps!
Hi Silvia, if you use thick coconut milk (santan kental), instead of 100 ml coconut milk, I will try 50 ml thick coconut milk + 50 ml water, and then keep everything else the same.
Can I use dry bay leaves instead of the Indonesian bay leaves?
Hi Jill, the flavor of dry bay leaves is very different from Indonesian bay leaves. I would suggest omitting the bay leaves, but keep the remaining ingredients the same.
Hi Anita, Been some time since saw your update on DailyCookingQuest. How are you doing? Trust everything is good. Take care and hope to hear from you.
Thank you for asking, Christina. I'm okay, and just need to take a break from blogging for a bit. :)
Hi Anita, I’m so glad I found this recipe! Thank you for this. I was wondering how to calculate measurements when having more than 4 people. I tried to do this for 12 and just did everything times 3, but my rice was extremely wet. Any tips? Thanks!
Hi Anna, are you using a rice cooker? If you are, usually following the suggested water level from the manufacturer should work. Say you want to serve 12, so you will use 6 cups of rice (not a US cup, but the cup that comes with the rice cooker), and then fill the liquid (water + coconut milk) only up to line marked 6. Then you add the remaining ingredients so the liquid measurement is correct. I hope this helps.
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