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Sate Babi - Indonesian Pork Satay
Marinated pork pieces make these Indonesian grilled pork satays extra juicy with bold flavors. The marinade also serves as a delicious chili sauce for the satays.

For many Chinese Indonesians, pork satay is our comfort food, and you will most likely get them in Chinese Indonesian most beloved rice set, the Nasi Campur (rice with an assortment of pork sides).
Although most think of chicken satay with peanut sauce when they think of Indonesian satays, it is Sate Babi (pork satay) that I grew up eating.
There was a lovely lady who went door to door selling pork satay when we were young. My brothers and I were always so happy when my grandparents bought a portion for our lunch. Even though it was ages and ages ago, I still remember that a pack of pork satays has ten skewers, and there were three of us, so how do you divide ten skewers among three grumpy and hungry kids? Well, I am not telling, but it’s not pretty. ♥

Ingredients for Indonesian pork satay
We need pork, shallots, garlic, red chilies, galangal, candlenuts, coriander, cumin, turmeric, kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce), soy sauce, palm sugar, and limes.
Which pork cuts to use?
The best cuts to use for pork satays are neck and shoulder cuts. If you are in Indonesia, you want to get some kapsim from your butcher.
Which red chilies to use?
Both cayenne and bird-eye chilies are perfect for this recipe. If you prefer less spicy satays and chili sauce, you can also use Fresno chilies.
If you can’t find any fresh red chilies, you can use Chinese/Thai dried red chilies. Please boil dried chilies in water to soften them before using them.
What can I substitute for palm sugar?
You can use brown sugar, but you may want to add a pinch of salt since Indonesian palm sugar has a slightly salty note and not just pure sweetness.
What can I substitute for candlenuts?
You can use the same amount of toasted macadamia nuts. Be sure that the nuts are unsalted.

Marinate and grill the pork satays
Grind shallots, garlic, red chilies, candlenuts, and galangal in a food processor into a smooth paste.
Mix pork with the spice paste, palm sugar, coriander, cumin, turmeric, soy sauce, kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), and lime juice in a mixing bowl.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and rest in the fridge overnight to marinate. Please marinate for a minimum of two hours even if you don’t have much time.
Skewer marinated pork pieces with bamboo skewers.
Heat a cast-iron grill pan over medium-high heat until very hot. Brush the grills with oil using a silicone brush, and grill pork skewers until the surface is golden brown and slightly charred, about 2 minutes per side.
Arrange grilled pork satays on a serving plate.

Make the chili sauce to go with pork satays
We will turn the leftover marinade into the chili sauce for the pork satays.
Transfer leftover marinade into a saucepot and bring to a boil. Cook until the sauce thickens.
Place the sauce into a bowl, add thinly sliced shallots, chopped red chilies, and lime juice.
Serve pork satays with the chili sauce.

Other Indonesian satays recipes to try
If you are interested in Indonesian satays, you may want to try these recipes:
- sate ayam Madura (chicken satay with peanut sauce)
- chicken satay with chili soy sauce
- sate sapi (beef satay)
- sate marrangi (Purwakarta beef satay)
- sate godok (skewerless beef satay)
- sate kambing (lamb satay)

Sate Babi - Indonesian Pork Satay
- 500 gram pork neck/shoulder (Indonesian: daging babi kapsim), cut into bite-size pieces
- 50 gram palm sugar (Indonesian: gula Jawa), shaved
- 1 tablespoon coriander (Indonesian: bubuk ketumbar)
- 1/4 teaspoon cumin (Indonesian: bubuk jinten)
- 1/4 teaspoon turmeric (Indonesian: bubuk kunyit)
- 5 tablespoon sweet soy sauce (Indonesian: kecap manis)
- 3 tablespoon soy sauce (Indonesian: kecap asin)
- juice of 2 limes (Indonesian: jeruk nipis)
- about 25 to 35 bamboo skewers (Indonesian: tusuk sate)
- Grind the following into spice paste
- 100 gram shallots (Indonesian: bawang merah)
- 4 cloves garlic (Indonesian: bawang putih)
- 2 red cayenne chilies (Indonesian: cabe keriting merah)
- 50 gram candlenuts (Indonesian: kemiri)
- 1 inch galangal (Indonesian: lengkuas)
- Chili sauce
- 15 gram shallot (Indonesian: bawang merah), thinly sliced
- 1 red cayenne chilies (Indonesian: cabe keriting merah), thinly sliced
- juice of 1 lime (Indonesian: jeruk nipis)
- Pork satays: Grind shallots, garlic, red chilies, candlenuts, and galangal in a food processor into a smooth paste.
- Mix pork with the spice paste, palm sugar, coriander, cumin, turmeric, soy sauce, kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), and lime juice in a mixing bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and rest in the fridge overnight to marinate. Please marinate for a minimum of two hours even if you don’t have much time.
- Skewer marinated pork pieces with bamboo skewers.
- Heat a cast-iron grill pan over medium-high heat until very hot. Brush the grills with oil using a silicone brush, and grill pork skewers until the surface is golden brown and slightly charred, about 2 minutes per side. Arrange grilled pork satays on a serving plate.
- Chili sauce: Transfer leftover marinade into a saucepot and bring to a boil. Cook until the sauce thickens.
- Place the sauce into a bowl, add thinly sliced shallots, chopped red chilies, and lime juice. Serve pork satays with the chili sauce.
thanks udah ikut ngeramein challenge kali ini mba Anita. Salam kenal dari saya. Wulan (host challenge #15)
Sama-sama mba Wulan, happy kok bisa ikut berpartisipasi :)
These sateys look delicious.. hubby not a huge fan of pork so can I use chicken instead. Cheers Arpita
Hi Arpita, you can definitely use chicken :) Cheers!
Halo Mbak...keren blogpost nya... :D....sukses terus yaaa Salam kenal Elsye
Hi Elsye, salam kenal juga :) Blog mba Elsye lebih keren lagi, suka banget aku sama foto-fotonya. <3
Just in time for grilling season. Best of luck on the Indonesian Food Blogger challenge!
Yup, perfect for grilling and BBQ :) Thanks for the best wishes, Samantha! <3
Krn ga makan babi, kubakal ganti dgn sapi ato ayam..makasi ya Mba Anita ..
Oke banget kok walau diganti ayam ataupun sapi mba Anne :)
These look really good! Though I don't think that they look similar to the sate babi I usually have. Can you tell me from which area/province your recipe comes from?
Hi Ari, this is pretty similar to the sate babi that I find in Jakarta, especially places that sell nasi campur.
Mungkin dari area Benteng/Tangerang.. Setahu saya sih sate babi ada dua macam. Yng satu di sebutnya sate manis. Di psar pluit ada enci Medan yng jual sate babi. Ho ho..yummy deh
Iya, yang namanya sate mah enak aja sih :D
Excellent! I use half beef and half lamb. I also add a clove of minced garlic to the mixture, as I think others suggested. The kebabs taste better if you prepare this several hours before you cook (preferably the night before). It really allows all the different flavors to combine well...trust me, I have prepared them both ways! Also, the key to getting the mixture to not be too wet is to first work it together with your hands and then beat with a spoon, as the directions indicate, until the mixture changes color. It really does congeal.
Love it! I made it for a potluck event at my kid's school. Everyone loved it!! Thank you, Anita! I'm a fan!
Yay! I am happy to hear it turned out so well :)
Hi there! This looks so delicious. I have usually eaten sate with a peanut sauce rather than a chili sauce. I've found many recipes for peanut sauce on your website- is there one you would recommend specifically for sate? Thanks!
Hi Michelle, I haven't posted sate with peanut sauce yet :) The most famous sate with peanut sauce in Indonesia is sate ayam madura, and the peanut sauce goes something like this: - 250 gram deep fried peanut (with skin on if possible) - 3 red cayenne chili pepper (Indonesian: cabe merah keriting), boiled - 4 candlenuts - 4 tablespoon palm sugar - 1 1/2 teaspoon salt - 600 ml water Grind everything together except water, transfer to a sauce pot, add water and bring to a boil, and simmer for 10 minutes.
thank you so much! I will be making this this week ;)
Hi Anita, saat Merorial day kita kita ngadain BBQ. Aku bikin 3 resep dari Anita. Sate babi campur sate ayam, chicken wing cilantro dan daun singkong ( pakai sayur Kale) wah.. Semuanya sangat suka. Ini sudah masuk menu tambahan tetap selain pork chop, skirt steak, jagung bakar, burger,toasted sesame bread. Udang ETC. sepertinya resep Anita resep anti gagal. Sekali bikin sukses. Thanks Anita..
Sama-sama Yudhi. Happy banget rasanya kalo resepnya disuka :)
Hi Is the galangal and tumeric fresh ones or spice? Can i use frozen tuneric and galangal?
Fresh galangal and turmeric is preferable, but there is no harm in using frozen ones as well.
Sorry also with the candlenuts is it the whole dry candlenuts or can i use the powder form candlenut?
I usually use whole dry candlenuts. I have never known that there is a powder form :) I guess you can use powdered one as well. I am not sure how much you will need, but on average 1 whole candlenut weighs 3 grams.
Hai Anita,, Mau tanya donk klo buat porknya lebih empuk gimana ya? soalnya waktu aku coba jadi agak alot gitu. but love the taste hehehe
Hi Stephy, kalo rajin, bisa sedikit dicincang, tapi jangan sampai putus menjadi kecil-kecil dagingnya yah, selain ini membuat bumbu lebih meresap lagi, juga bisa membantu daging lebih empuk. Thanks udah nyobain resepnya :)
Thank you for the recipes!
Hello Anita, spice space nya ditaruh dimana yah ? dimasak smp kental ? Terima kasih.
Hi Angie, spice paste di step 1 dipakai sepakai bumbu marinade yah beserta bumbu lainnya :) Nanti setelah sate dibakar, seluruh bumbu yang masih tersisa dimasak beserta bumbu chili sauce until dijadikan saus cocolan.
I made these for a group of friends when we got together, and they all got gobbled up! Thanks for the great recipe - and I think anything on a stick tastes better!
I love how simple this seems to put together but also how flavorful it is!
Delicious! Satay is a family favourite around here in the summer time.
This satay looks so delicious and my mouth is watering looking at these clicks. I need to try this recipe soon!
These were so good! Flavorful and easy to make, just perfect.
terima kasih Mbk saya sudah coba uenak banget
Thank you banget Made sudah dicoba. Happy selera kita pas. :)
Thank you Anita for the recipe! It was so easy and yummy.
Hi Anita, tolong tanya kemiri benar 50gr ya? Tadi timbang mau sekitar 16 biji. Masih ragu ragu saya.. ☺️
Hi Lindawaty, benar kok. Kalo sayang-sayang dengan kemirinya, bisa juga sebagian (atau bahkan semuanya) diganti kacang mede (cashew) atau almond. Di Amerika memang mahal sih kemiri, dan dapetnya sedikit yah per paketnya. :)
My daughter really likes it! Thanks for the recipe! ❤️
Hi Anita, I made this sate with 1 kg pork shoulder and trimmed most of the fat. Ohhh i am in sate heaven. Truly the best sate experience and this is my first time making sate at home. I missed authentic Indonesian sate and this is very similar to what I had back in my childhood. Thank you for the recipe. Will be trying your other sate recipe soon. I used the oven to cook the sate , 190deg, after 10 minutes flip the sates. Beautiful ❤️
Hi! Will this recipe works with air fryer? :) Thank you
Hi Peggy, I don't have an air-fryer, so I don't know if it will work. That said, if you have successfully use your air-fryer to make kebabs, I think a similar setting should work to grill these satay.
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