Home / All Recipes / Indonesian / Sate Godok Aceh - Skewerless Acehnese Beef Satay
Sate Godok Aceh - Skewerless Acehnese Beef Satay
Across Indonesia, there are probably as many variation of sate as there are soto, and one of the most unique one is sate godok from the province of Aceh. Despite the many variations of sate, most still follows the same way of cooking, namely skewering the meat then grill until tender and juicy. Not so with sate godok, its uniqueness lies in the fact that the meat is slowly cooked in spices and peanut sauce until tender and sauce is reduced, thick, creamy, and oily sheen has developed. Personally, this is a sate to make when I am lazy, hehe, no need for skewers, and it is as easy as making a stew, just dump everything in a pot, and let the whole thing simmers away until the meat is super tender and juicy. Not to mention I get to eat a whole pot of peanut sauce with steamed white rice, yummy. ♥

Sate Godok Aceh - Skewerless Acehnese Beef Satay
- 4 tablespoon oil
- 1 lemongrass (Indonesian: sereh), bruised and knotted
- 2 bay leaves (Indonesian: daun salam)
- 2 kaffir lime leaves (Indonesian: daun jeruk)
- 500 gram beef (Indonesian: daging sapi), cut into 1 inch cubes
- 500 ml coconut milk (Indonesian: santan)
- 2 tablespoon tamarind juice (Indonesian: air asam Jawa)
- 2 tablespoon sweet soy sauce (Indonesian: kecap manis)
- 1 tablespoon palm sugar (Indonesian: gula Jawa)
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 250 gram toasted peanut (Indonesian: kacang tanah sangrai), grind
- Grind the following into spice paste
- 10 red cayenne chili peppers (Indonesian: cabe merah keriting)
- 6 shallots (Indonesian: bawang merah)
- 3 cloves garlic (Indonesian: bawang putih)
- 2 candlenuts (Indonesian: kemiri)
- 1 inch ginger (Indonesian: jahe)
- 1 inch galangal (Indonesian: lengkuas)
- 1 tablespoon coriander seeds (Indonesian: biji ketumbar)
- 1 teaspoon whole white peppers (Indonesian: biji lada putih)
- 1 teaspoon cumin seeds (Indonesian: jinten)
- 1 teaspoon aniseed (Indonesian: adas manis)
- Accompaniments
- steamed white rice or steamed rice cake (Indonesian: nasi putih atau lontong)
- deep fried shallot flakes (Indonesian: bawang merah goreng)
- Heat oil in a pot and stir fry spice paste until fragrant. Add lemongrass, bay leaves, and kaffir lime leaves. Cook until slightly wilted and fragrant.
- Add the beef and cook until no longer pink.
- Add coconut milk, tamarind juice, sweet soy sauce, palm sugar, and salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour until the beef is cooked and tender.
- Add the ground toasted peanut, mix well, and continue simmering until the sauce is reduced, creamy, and developed an oily sheen.
- Turn off heat and serve with steamed white rice or rice cake and garnish with deep fried shallot flakes.
Mbak Anita, kalo mao Bikin resep ini Gak ada jinten ama Adas manis, boleh di skip gak...Terus ganti ama Ayam Gitu caranya sama gak...soalnya tekstur Ayam ama lembu laen tuh... Thanks a lot.
Halo Ling, masakan Aceh emang pemakaian bumbu dan rempah-rempah lebih banyak biasanya :) Tapi kalo jinten dan adas manis mau diskip, aku pikir hasilnya juga akan enak, paling tidak semedok kalau ada. Kalau pake ayam juga bisa, tapi waktu masaknya pasti lebih singkat yah, kemungkinan cuma perlu 15-30 menit, bukan 45-60 menit.
Ooo...ok Anita..,thankss alot... Love your website so much
Hallo Anita, Mau tanya, beef yang dipakai harus yang untuk stew atau bisa yang untuk stir fry? Thank you so much.. :)
Hi Sherly, kalo beef untuk stew potongannya lebih kubus dan tebal yah, jadi waktu masaknya perlu lama di step 3. Kalo pake beef cut untuk stir fry umumnya tipis-tipis, dan hanya perlu dimasak sebentar saja. Kalau memang mau pakai stir fry cuts sih bisa juga, tapi saran aku, masak dulu sausnya di step 3 itu tanpa daging sapi hingga saus sudah berkurang dan agak berminyak bahkan, barulah ditambah daging sapinya. Begitu daging sapi terlihat matang, langsung buru-buru masukkan ground peanut dan aduk rata saja. Semoga berguna. :)
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