Home / All Recipes / Indonesian / Sop Sapi dan Kacang Merah - Beef and Red Bean Soup
Sop Sapi dan Kacang Merah - Beef and Red Bean Soup
I have no idea why I didn’t post this soup earlier since sop sapi dan kacang merah is definitely one of my favorite beef soup. I first tried this soup in my in laws home, apparently one of my hubby favorite soup actually. So, of course I got to learn how to do it right? Not that I need further encouragement since I love this soup from the first time I tried it. :D

I use fresh red beans since it is actually very easy to find fresh ones here. If that is not an option, you can always use dried red beans, though you will need to rehydrate the beans first. You can either soak the beans overnight in cold water, or you can boil the beans and then quickly cover the pot, turn off heat and let the beans soaked in hot water for 1 hour. Either way should work. Oh, and if you are using dried red beans, you will only need about 200 grams. ♥

Sop Sapi dan Kacang Merah - Beef and Red Bean Soup
- 1 kilogram beef (*)
- 2 liter water
- 2 tablespoon oil
- 3 shallots (Indonesian: bawang merah), minced
- 3 cloves garlic (Indonesian: bawang putih), minced
- 600 gram fresh red beans (Indonesian: kacang merah segar) (**)
- 300 gram carrots (Indonesian: wortel), peeled and cut into bite sizes
- 300 gram potatoes (Indonesian: kentang), peeled and cut into bite sizes
- 1 teaspoon nutmeg (Indonesian: bubuk pala)
- 3 cloves (Indonesian: cengkeh)
- 1 tablespoon salt, or to taste
- 1/2 tablespoon sugar, or to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper
- 2 scallions (Indonesian: daun bawang), white parts only, thinly sliced
- 1 bunch of Chinese celery (Indonesian: daun seledri), stalks only, thinly sliced
- Garnish
- 2 tomatoes, cut into small pieces
- 2 scallions, green parts only, thinly sliced
- 1 bunch of Chinese celery, leaves only, roughly chopped
- Chili sauce (optional)
- sambal of your choice
- sweet soy sauce (Indonesian: kecap manis)
- Place beef and water in a soup pot and bring to a boil. Remove scum as needed. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until the beef is tender.
- Meanwhile, heat oil in a frying pan. Sauté shallot and garlic until fragrant and the garlic has turned golden brown. Add this to the soup.
- Once the beef is tender, add the red beans and cook until some of the beans started to split. Generally this means the beans are now tender.
- Add carrots, potatoes, nutmeg, cloves, and season with salt, sugar, and ground white pepper. Cook until the vegetables are firm but tender.
- Add thinly sliced white parts of scallions and thinly sliced celery stalks. Mix well. Turn off heat.
- Serve the soup hot garnished with tomatoes, green part of scallions and celery leaves. I like to add some simple chili sauce to go with this soup, but it is good even without.
- (*) For making soup, it is best to use part bones and part meat. My preference is 30% bones and 70% meat. Or, you can use beef ribs so you get both bones and meat.
- (**) If fresh red beans are not available, use 200 gram of dried red beans. You will need to rehydrate the beans by either soaking overnight in cold water, or boil the beans and left it to soak in hot water for one hour. Drain the beans before using.
Thank you for the wonderful recipes! My husband is really hard to please, I am a lousy cook, and we had countless fights because of my cooking. I was really desperate until I found your website. I cooked this yesterday, and my husband really loved it! Your step by step instructions are clear and easy to follow. Thank you so much! You're really my saviour!
We had this soup for dinner last night and it was incredible! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe!
This looks delicious with all the flavors and colors. Yum!
WOW! This soup look incredibly nutritious and delicious. Thanks for sharing such wonderful dish full of pantry ingredients!
I have never had this but it sounds delicious. Hearty beans and veggies with amazing spices. How could it miss? Saving this for later.
I just love this tasty soup. So much flavor and so incredibly healthy! My whole family loves it.
Super enak receipenya! Finally bisa masak yg rasanya sama yg kyk dulu dimasakin papa. Thank you for sharing Ci :)
Hi Anita, Blognya super keren :) Nanya dong, daging di sini (Oz dan NZ) cepetttt banget matangnya. Jadi seringnya kl masak pake beef atau lamb, pilihannya either dagingnya jd way too dry atau dagingnya half cooked dan anyep. Either way, alot semua. Ada tips ga ya buat masak red meat supaya bumbu meresap dan daging matang berserat? Thank you :)
Hi Dewi, biasanya milih cuts yang benar ga ada masalah harusnya. Kalo di US, untuk soup, stew, or braising, aku biasanya pilih chuck atau shank, kalo mau yang ada tulangnya biar kuahnya lebih gurih lagi, bisa pilih bone-in short ribs tapi ini pilihan yang agak mahal dibanding dua cuts yang pertama.
Nah, karena kita masak sup kan agak lama yah, itu daging potongnya yang besar, jangan kecil-kecil, minimal 2-inch cubes gitu lah. Kalo masih ada butchernya, bisa minta tolong potongin yang benar sih, bilang mau masaknya lama, for stew/braising.
Kalo setelah masak, dagingnya masih alot, itu pertanda belum cukup lama. Tinggal lamain lagi aja masaknya biasanya nanti jadi lembut kok. :)
Loved it!
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