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Wedang Jahe Lengkeng - Longan in Ginger Syrup

Somehow longan is heavily connected with festive seasons in Indonesia. Now that Idul Fitri is upon us, longan (fresh and in can) is sold everywhere. And I swear it is not just for Idul Fitri, come Christmas and Chinese New Year, you can bet these will also be everywhere. I saw so many cans of these piled high in the supermarket, and this is what leads to today’s post: longan in ginger syrup.

Wedang Jahe Lengkeng - Longan in Ginger Syrup
Wedang Jahe Lengkeng - Longan in Ginger Syrup

Wedang Jahe Lengkeng - Longan in Ginger Syrup

Author: Anita Jacobson




Prep Time: 15 mins

Cook Time: 15 mins

Total Time: 30 mins

Serves: 4

Print Recipe


  • 1 can longan in syrup (565 gram)
  • 1 teaspoon basil seeds (Indonesian: selasih), soaked in drinking water
  • juice of 1 lime
  • Ginger Syrup
  • 100 gram fresh ginger, peeled and bruised
  • 2 pandan leaves, knotted
  • 750 ml water
  • 125 gram sugar


  • Ginger Syrup
    1. Boil all ginger syrup ingredients in a pot. Reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes until the liquid has reduced a little.
    2. Strain to get a clear syrup
  • Wedang
    1. Combine longan with half of the syrup from the can, basil seeds, lime juice, and the ginger syrup. Mix well.
    2. Divide into serving glasses and serve warm.
Indonesian Pantry
Indonesian Kitchen


  • Tammy Tammy says:

    Your recipes all look delicious! I love your blog!

    • Anita Anita says:

      Thank you for the nice comment, Tammy ♥

  • yunia yunia says:

    I really liked your blog ... may I copy and paste the recipe only to be practiced at home :)...thanks...

    • Anita Anita says:

      Thanks Yunia. You are very welcome to do that :)

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