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Yoghurt Lime Sorbet

Living in Indonesia means year round tropical weather, which translates to high appreciation for all things cold and sweet and refreshing. Pretty much what this yoghurt lime sorbet is all about, actually. ♥

Yoghurt Lime Sorbet
Yoghurt Lime Sorbet

I don’t own an ice cream machine, so I am not sure what will happen if you actually do use one to make this, perhaps a creamier result? If you are making this with an ice cream machine, promise you will report your result, okay. My yoghurt lime sorbet tastes great even without the machine, and the texture is like the marriage between frozen yoghurt and ice slurry, pretty awesome if you ask me. :)

Yoghurt Lime Sorbet
Yoghurt Lime Sorbet

Yoghurt Lime Sorbet

Author: Anita Jacobson




Prep Time: 10 hours

Cook Time: 0 min

Total Time: 10 hours

Serves: 4 cups

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  • 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lime juice (about 4 to 5 limes), grate the zest and reserve those
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 1/2 cup water
  • 1 cup plain yoghurt


  1. Place lime juice, sugar, and water in a pot and bring to a boil. Stir until sugar has completely dissolved then transfer to a bowl. Cover and chill in the fridge for 1 hour or overnight.
  2. Combine the lime sugar liquid with yoghurt and whisk until smooth.
  3. Option 1: Pour into ice cream machine and follow your machine instruction.
  4. Option 2: Cover and freeze until solid, about 6 hours to overnight. Break into chunks and process with a blender until smooth. Pour into plastic container (with lid) and freeze again until solid, about 2 hours.
  5. Serve cold with the reserved grated lime zest.
Indonesian Pantry
Indonesian Kitchen


  • Dedy@Dentist Chef Dedy@Dentist Chef says:

    So simple, healty,and yet tasty..... btw, i like to add some heavy cream to the yoghurt to make it smoother whenit frozen...

    • Anita Anita says:

      Agreed, would be lovely if it is creamier right? :)

  • Yudith Yudith says:

    Hi Anita, May I know what brand of yoghurt are you using? Thank you

    • Anita Anita says:

      I used Cimory plain yoghurt :)

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