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Vegetables Recipes

Mamekan - Kanten and Red Bean with Kuromitsu

Mamekan - Kanten and Red Bean with Kuromitsu

Learn how to prepare Japanese mamekan - agar/kanten cubes, anko (red bean paste), and kuromitsu (black sugar syrup) - to enjoy all summer long.

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Susu Jagung - Corn Milk

Susu Jagung - Corn Milk

Do you know you can make milk out of corn? Not only is this recipe super easy, I am totally in love with how pretty the yellow color of this corn milk.

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Singkong Thailand - Thai Cassava with Coconut Sauce

Singkong Thailand - Thai Cassava with Coconut Sauce

We are now entering the month of Ramadan, which means sea of sweet snacks as far as eyes can see. Well, not that dramatic, but definitely a spike of sweet …

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Sambal Tomat - Tomato Chili Sauce

Sambal Tomat - Tomato Chili Sauce

Sambal tomat is a chili sauce from West Java, it is best paired with lalapan (blanched vegetables), fried tofu, fried tempeh, and fried chicken. Since the …

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Urap - Salad with Grated Coconut Dressing

Urap - Salad with Grated Coconut Dressing

Coconut is ever present in Indonesian cuisine, ranging from coconut milk, coconut oil, coconut water, to coconut flesh. Almost nothing is wasted, we even have …

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Es Rujak Mangga dan Jeruk Bali - Mango and Pomelo Ice Rojak

Es Rujak Mangga dan Jeruk Bali - Mango and Pomelo Ice Rojak

Mango is definitely in season right now. The last I checked, I have no less than three different varieties to choose from. I can never restraint myself when I …

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Tauco Udang Cabe Hijau - Shrimp and Green Chilies in Fermented Soy Bean Sauce

Tauco Udang Cabe Hijau - Shrimp and Green Chilies in Fermented Soy Bean Sauce

I am in a tauco phase LOL, but I promise this is the last one, at least for a while. You know why? Because I used the last of the bottle for this recipe, that’s …

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Sambal Goreng Tauco Labu Siam - Chayote in Fermented Soy Bean and Chili Sauce

Sambal Goreng Tauco Labu Siam - Chayote in Fermented Soy Bean and Chili Sauce

There are certain ingredients we use just to give that umami kick, for example fish sauce and shrimp paste, which is totally great unless you are vegetarian. …

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Sambal Tauco - Chili Sauce with Fermented Soy Bean

Sambal Tauco - Chili Sauce with Fermented Soy Bean

Tauco is Indonesian version of fermented soy bean, and the best in my opinion comes from Medan. I am partial see, since I grow up in Medan and that’s what I …

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Asem-Asem Terong - Sour and Spicy Eggplant Stew

Asem-Asem Terong - Sour and Spicy Eggplant Stew

This is one of the easiest and fastest stew ever, like you really don’t need more than 15 minutes of cooking time or the eggplants are gonna end up looking …

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Crackers Tape Goreng - Fried Fermented Cassava Crackers

Crackers Tape Goreng - Fried Fermented Cassava Crackers

Enjoy tape (fermented cassava) as crackers sandwich snack by deep-frying tape sandwiched between two square crackers, and coated with a simple batter.

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Bola Tape dan Saus Gula Jawa - Fermented Cassava Balls and Palm Sugar Syrup

Bola Tape dan Saus Gula Jawa - Fermented Cassava Balls and Palm Sugar Syrup

Tape (fermented cassava) is among my favorite ingredient in snacks and desserts, I sometimes eat this straight straight as is, that’s how much I love it. :D If …

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